Friday, February 5, 2010


Author's Note: This is a journal response about when my family was driving to St. Louis. There isn't really a purpose to it, just something that reminded me of the prompt: Road.

As we are driving down the road, I, being the one laying in the backseat, am unaware of the world around me as it passes by unnoticed as we make our way to St. Louis. The story of Helen Keller captures me as my bookmark slowly ticks away, until we are flying, floating away into the sky. I wonder, "What could possibly be lifting this gentle, blue minivan off the ground and into the wonderous world above?" As I sit up to have a better view, I see a road with our car rolling across it, it's wheels never once leaving the ground and my imagination dims as we exit the freshly paved portion of the road.


Author's Note: This is a journal response on the topic of fire. This never actually happened to me, I just always think of this kind of scene when I think of fire. The end is left hanging for the reader to creativly imagine what would happen next.

Flames erupting

Almost swallowing us whole

Running around in circles

Trying to escape

Managing to exaust ourselves

We hear the witnesses shouting to us

"Are you in there?"

"Are you safe?"

Door after door

crashing down

Brave men stepping in

coming to save us

dissapointed when we are

nowhere to be found

the nice lady next door

screams as we are spotted

at the top of the building

the flames on our tails

forcing us to jump...