Friday, November 20, 2009


Thanksgiving doesn't really start until the guests arive, we eat, and the fun begins. Once we have eaten, my whole family gets situated and they start to socialize- the adults that is. The small children run down the stairs and into the basement. The bang the drums, sound the train whistile, and run around, seemingly never running out of energy. We all gather around and play various games such as Spoons and Apples to Apples. I smell the warm pumpkin pie as it's removed from it's pan, one slice at a time. As the marvelous desserts disappear, the TV clicks on and a movie starts playing. As night grows near, the first of the guests say goodbye, and leave. Another movie starts as more guests depart at their own pace, while the rest may stay close to midnight, but some out-of-town reletives head up to steal my bedroom. Once the last of our family has left our house we, but mostly my mom, clean up our house, then we all head off to bed.


  1. That was good. I really enjoyed reading it. I really liked the part where it says "I smell warm pumpkin pie as it's removed from its pan, one slice at a time." I can picture it perfectly. The only thing i didn't like was the beginning, it sounded a little weak to me, but otherwise good job! Keep it up!

  2. I really enjoyed reading that. Have you ever played bloody spoons? It's fun and more exciting than regular spoons, but anyway that painted a really clear picture. Also I can imagine the pumpkin pie smell. Yum!


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