Friday, November 20, 2009

Trump Hotel

When we went to Las Vegas on our way back from Disneyland, we stayed at the Trump Hotel. When my mom checked us in, I was thinking that we would end up on the 3rd floor of a 64 floor building. I was happy and very surprised to find the she upgraded our room from originally being on the 5th floor to room 5803 on the 58th floor! Our room was amazing. There was a TV in the mirror in the bathroom and our window took up a whole wall. It was very fun riding up in the elevator. Just like in an airplane my ears popped as we rose at an amazing speed, reaching floor 58 in about the same time it took to reach floor 7 of our hotel at Disneyland.


  1. That's soooooooooooo awesome. When I was in NY we went to the Trump Tower and that was awesome too!

  2. wow that sounds really fun, you should write about it in a poem

  3. That sounds like so much fun and awesomeness (I doubt that that's a word)! I never go anywhere on vacation! You should make this into a poem or a short story or something.

  4. Wow that sounds really fun. could you see down onto the streets? and what did the people look like from the 58th floor?

  5. That sounds like a really fun trip. Have you thought about turning this into a longer piece where you really tell the whole story of the trip? Our journal entries are always short, but they are really meant to be just the start of ideas. Is this one like that?

  6. Thats crazy that there are that many floors in a hotel. It sounds like a lot of fun. Mr. J is right, it seems like a lot of people are just throwing their journal entries into their blogs and not expanding on them.

  7. That sounds fun. Whenever I go on a vacation my uncle and I usually take the elevator to as high as we can go. It's scary being up there on the inside so I couldn't imagine being a window washer having to go up there. Nice story.


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